Weekly Announcements - Sunday February 18, 2024

General Body Meeting Notice

A General Body meeting of the St. John’s Mar Thoma Church, Michigan will be held on Sunday, February 18, 2024, after the Holy Qurbana Service. The meeting will take place at the Evanswood Church Fellowship Hall (located at 2601 E.
Square Lake Rd, Troy MI 48085).

Agenda items are as follows:
1. Opening Song & Prayer
2. Welcome
3. Presidential Address
4. Presentation and Approval of Annual Report 2023
5. Presentation and Approval of the Over Budgeted and Non-Budgeted items for 2023
6. Presentation and Approval of the Audited Accounts for 2023
7. Trustee’s proposal for Fund Transfer
8. Presentation and Approval of the Budget for 2024
9. Parsonage Update
10. Any other matters with the permission of the chair
11. Vote of Thanks
12. Reading &Approval of the Minutes
13. Closing Prayer & Benediction

The meeting will be presided over by the Vicar/President, Rev. Jeswin Simon John. General Body members are hereby requested to attend the meeting prayerfully.

Note: Questions or clarification pertaining to the Annual Report, the Statement of Accounts for 2023, or the
2024 Budget should be sent via email (sec@stjmtc.org) to the attention of the Vicar/President and or the
Secretary on or before 5 pm on Thursday, February 15, 2024. Each member can submit a maximum of 3
questions. Parish members should be present in the General Body meeting to raise the submitted questions


Thank you Rev. Jeswin S John for celebrating today’s Holy Qurbana Service and for the inspiring message. Thanks to the lay leaders, choir, and media committee for assisting with today's service. 

Worship Service 

  • Next Sunday, February 25, 2024
  • Holy Qurbana Service in Malayalam at 8:30 AM 
  • Sunday School will begin at 10:30 am

Weekly Events

  • Wednesday February 21, 2024
    • Bible Study @ 7 pm via WebEx by Rev. Jeswin S John.

Sunday School

Diocesan Exam registration is now Open. All students Grade 5-10 are encouraged to take the exam. The registration fee will be $8/student. Deadline to Register is March 3, 2024. Please encourage children to take the exam. 

Prayer Fellowship

Prayer Group North will have a monthly prayer meeting on Sunday February 18, 2024, at 5:30 PM at the residence of Mr. Bino Varghese & family (6088 Meadowlark Dr, Troy, MI 48085). Humbly request all prayer group north members prayerful participation. 

Youth Fellowship

Diocesan Youth Fellowship Lent prayer will be held on Wednesday February 21, 2024, at 8 PM (online). Login details will be provided to all the youths. 


With deep sorrow, we inform you all of the sad demise of Mr. Cherian P John (76 years old, Madavana) father of Mr. Rocky Abraham Cherry (Rocky & Smitha), on Thursday, February 15, 2024, in Kalathilpady, Kerala, India. The funeral service was held on Tuesday February 20, 2024 (IST). 

St. John's Mar Thoma Church expresses our deepest condolence. May our Almighty Lord grant them strength at this hour of mourning and comfort them with His peace.  Please uphold the family in your prayers. 


Thank you to the refreshment committee for organizing today's refreshment. 

Birthday & Wedding Anniversary

St. John's Mar Thoma Church would like to wish all celebrating their birthday and wedding anniversary this coming week. May God Bless you.

Prayer Requests 

  • Let's pray for those having health challenges:
    • Mr. George Chacko
    • Mr. George K Thomas & Mrs. Aleyamma Thomas
    • Mr. K. R Samuel 
    • Elsy Kochamma 
    • Mrs. Aleyamma Cherian & Mr. P.V Cherian
    • Mr. Manaloor Abraham & Leena Thimotheose (daughter)
    • Father of Mr. P.J Abraham in India
    • Renu Thomas
    • All those are going through cancer treatments.
  • Let's pray for Mr. Rocky Cherry & family as they grieve the loss of their loved one.
  • Let's pray for the world peace.
  • Let's pray for all those who are struggling with unemployment. 
  • Let's pray for our community so that we may live with peace and love.

If you are not receiving emails from the church, please notify us by sending information (full name and email address) to sec@stjmtc.org.

THANK YOU and have a blessed Week

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