

Sunday, November 3, 2024



Thank you Rev Jeswin John achen for celebrating today’s communion service and Mrs. Sunitha Varughese for the inspiring message. Thank you, lay leaders, sunday school, choir, and media committee for assisting with today’s service. The Holy Communion Service in Malaylam will be celebrated next Sunday at 8:30am at Evanswood church by Rev. Jeswin John achen. 

Sunday school classes will start after the service today in the fellowship hall. 



The Malayalam Choir will have a carol service practice today after the service. The English Choir will have their practice Saturday at 5pm. 


Sunday School

The Sunday School Christmas program practices will be held on Wednesday, November 6, 2024, at 6:30 PM at Evanswood Church. We encourage parents to support this program by ensuring their child’s attendance at each practice. For any questions, please contact Mrs. Simi Varghese, the program convener. 

The Midwest Regional celebration of World Sunday School Day will be held Saturday, November 9th, at 4:00 PM via Zoom. The link will be shared soon.


Bible Study

A Bible Study will be organized on Thursday November 7th 7pm via Webex. Rev Jeswin John will lead the study. 


Prayer Group meeting

A combined prayer group meeting will be held at the residence of Mr. Cherry Thomas and Mrs. Elizabeth Cherry on November 24th, Sunday at 5:30pm. Elections for Prayer group leaders for 2025 calendar year will be held during the meeting.


Carol Rounding

The preliminary schedule for carol rounding will be as follows: Saturday 11/30  Clinton Twp, Chesterfield, Macomb Twp, Shelby Twp (East), Utica; Sunday 12/1 Clarkson, Oakland Twp, Troy,  Rochester Hills, Shelby Twp (West); Saturday 12/7 Sterling Heights, Warren; Sunday 12/8 Windsor; Saturday 12/14 Grand Rapids. If you are unable to host the carol rounders these days, please contact the convenors, Mr Roy Mathews or I. Also please let the convenors know if you are able to the first home or the last home. If any of our families and friends are able to host the carol rounders, please let us know so that the homes can be scheduled. 


Organizational Elections

Deadline for elections for the 2024 committee is December 31st. All organizations are requested to schedule the elections by that date.



Thank you refreshment committee,  for making the necessary arrangements.


Birthday & Wedding Anniversary

St. John's Mar Thoma Church conveys our warm regards to all the members celebrating their birthday and wedding anniversary this week. 

Prayer Requests

Let's keep our members having health challenges in our prayers:

  • Mr. George K Thomas & Mrs. Aleyamma Thomas
  • Mr. K. R Samuel & Lillykutty Samuel
  • Rev. Philip Varughese & Elsy Kochamma 
  • Mrs. Aleyamma Cherian & Mr. P.V Cherian
  • All those are going through cancer treatments and other health challenges.


Let's pray for peace in the world.

Let's pray for our family members who are grieving the loss of their loved ones.

Let's pray for all those who are struggling with unemployment. 

Let's pray for our community so that we may live with peace and love

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